Canon CDCC Award Winner "Superelectronic"2002
Rockstar Games Award Winners "Superelectronic" and "Sentosa Mikano"2004
Fragile Machine named 'Animated Film of the Year' by Cyberpunk Review2005
Numerous projects for clients including Skittles, Remy Cointreau, Volkswagon, Acer, Canon2010-
2016 -
SuperPillowFight Released on PC2018
"The Codexii" Book Released2020
Gravity's End in Production2020-
Since 2005 Aoineko has produced numerous art, music and interactive projects for clients around the world. Since 2016 we have produced multiple VR projects for both headsets and live experiences. In 2018 we released a fighting game, "SuperPillowFight" and in 2020 self-published a book of art and poetry called "The Codexii". Since then have been producing the concept and animation works for our upcoming project called "Gravity's End".